Hiking around Mt. Huashan!
Short and Sweet story: I began my traveling obsession shortly after high school when I spent three weeks traveling around South Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. My next “real” trip was a few years later to Beijing, where a close friend was teaching English. After my trip to Beijing I was officially hooked on wanting to see the world. Now, to be fair my travel resumé is not as impressive as many of the other travel bloggers, but I like to share my stories and photos.
Longer Version: Growing up my family went on a whole lot of cruises to the Carribbean . I thought I was well traveled, and had seen a lot of the world by the time I was a senior in high school. After taking three years of German I was able to sign up for the class exchange that they did every two years. Our school paired with a Gymnasium (German version of high school) in a small town in Southern Germany called Bieberach. In the fall of my senior year we had a student come stay with us for two weeks, and the following summer I would go stay with her family for 10 days after traveling around for 14 days. This trip is what really opened my eyes to exploring, and wanting to see the world. I had seen photos of these places in books and on the internet, but never imagined I would ever see them in person. I came back from this trip realizing there are so many more places that I could actually go and see for myself, and not just have to look up photos. It was on!
Fast-forward six years, it is 2013, and I have started my career in the film and tv industry in my home city of Atlanta. I was heading down the path of settling down; I had just closed on my house, and was content working away. Out of nowhere one of my best friends informs me he is planning on moving to China to teach English. My mind was blown. How can he just go to China? He needs a real job. How does he think this is an okay idea? This was super foreign to me the idea of just living somewhere else. After a few months of him living over there another friend of ours and myself decided we were going to go visit him in China. Ultimately our friend had to back out of the trip, but I kept to the plan. This was the most eye opening experience of my life, at that point. We were transplanted into a culture that was so opposite, and different from what we were use to living. In Europe most people speak enough english to get by, but in China its few and far between. The experience was overwhelming, but I loved it. I loved the idea of seeing how these people lived, and how they live their day to day. We would get up in the morning and have a light breakfast at the hotel, but would stop by a market and pick up fresh fruit and juice for the day. Before I knew it I was on a plane back home continuously thinking of where to go on my next adventure. My thought process went from “live to work” to “work to live”.
Since that trip in 2013 I have been to five of the seven continents, with concrete trips to the last two within the next few years (Africa and Antartica). I started a travel consulting business in 2017 with company trips going all over. I don’t do the whole live on the road thing where I travel for years, or even months, on end. I do love my job working in the film and tv industry, and want to stay working there. I also have three dogs, and an amazing Fiancée. We both live by the motto “work to live not live to work”, and definitely optimize our vacation time to the fullest. These stories, and posts are all about our past, present, and future Adventures. I want to share all the things we learned from our travels, all the mistakes we made, and all the things we got right. I enjoy talking travel so if feel free to reach out and have a conversation.