Manly Beach in Sydney Australia

Manly Beach in Sydney Australia

Hi! I’m Brian, and I’m just a regular guy who likes to travel. I’ve alway had the want to explore new places, and experience the life and culture of where I am visiting. I constantly get asked why I choose the places I go, how I afford to travel so much, and how I can be gone so long each time? So I decided to do what every other person in the world does…make a blog.. Here I will document my trips from beginning to end. I will share my basic trip overview, what I do to prep, what I am doing while I am there, and a review when I get back. Also, I will share all of my photos I take here and on my instagram @sweerstorybri. Just to note I am not a writer in any way. Enjoy!

How I started

Growing up just north of Atlanta, the extent of my traveling was limited to visiting family in Florida and Michigan. When I was 12 my family went on a cruise to the Caribbean, and after that we did a few more cruises, but my international travel

was limited. The opportunity was finally presented for me to go to Germany for an exchange program. It was a three week program, and we would go through southern Germany, Austria, Switzerland, a brief pit stop in Liechtenstein, and finishing it up with a week in a German school. This trip is what started my obsession with wanting to travel, and experience more of the world. My first goal was to get back to Munich, and go to Oktoberfest. College got in the way of really continuing my travel obsession for a few years. I went to school for film studies, and ended up becoming a set lighting technician in the motion picture industry. Four years in the work force I was beginning to feel burnt out, and wanted to look for a way out. Luckily a good friend from childhood had just moved to Beijing to teach english, and invited me to come visit. I jumped at the opportunity and spent 10 days exploring the capital city with my friends students, and other friends he had made. That was the boost I needed. After that trip things had meaning, and work helped me make the money to pay for my travels. When a movie, or show, wrapped I jumped on a plane. Now, six years later, I am still working in film, but traveling the world in between shows!

Takeoff Travel Co.

In the Spring of 2018 my friend, mentioned above, and I were traveling through Vietnam, and we had a thought. We thought “how awesome would it be to create a company that took people to all of these awesome places and share the experiences we have while exploring?”. Right then and there the seed for Takeoff Travel Co. was planted. Now we are starting to run our trips, and help people get out of there comfort zones, and explore the countries they have always wanted to see, but have been too scared to take the leap.

I hope you enjoy my posts, and that they inspire you to go out and explore, or explore places you never thought you would ever go visit. Please feel free to contact me and share your travel stories, or just ask questions!